Friday, 28 September 2012

I am planning to post a few portraits and some more collage later on in the week and month.
I will start with this one I did looking at myself in the mirror. I find it a bit hard doing my portrait in this way because I have glasses on and was difficult to see the light and shades in some places because I have the glasses on it would be different if I was doing it from my photograph. So here we go...

Eu estou planejando colocar aqui no meu blog alguns retratos e colages que espero fazer na proxima semana e durante o mes.  Vou comecar com esta abaixo que eu fiz me olhando no espelho. Eu achei um pouco dificil porque estava usando oculos e nao conseguia ver direito as sombras e as luzes no meu rosto na area onde o oculos estava. Claro teria sido mais facil se tivesse feito atravez de uma fotografia, mas gostei de tentar esta tequinica.. Aqui vai...

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

I made this Pastel painting last Monday. The paper has a nice and soft texture like handmade. I forgot the name but I will try and remember and post here later on.

Eu fiz esta pintura com Pastel na segunda passada. O papel tem uma textura macia, tipo feito a mao. Eu nao me lembro o nome do papel agora, mas assim que me lembrar colocatrei o nome aqui.

Saturday, 22 September 2012

 I started my Nude drawing group again which I have been away from over a year. It was nice to come back and see majority of familiar faces in there. Bellow are some of my work I did last Monday..

Eu comecei o meu grupo de desenho novamente o qual eu estive ausente por mais de um ano. Foi bom voltar e reconhecer a maioria das pessoas ali. Abaixo alguns dos trabalhos que eu fiz na segunda...

charcoal and pastel on Ingres paper

I didn't have time to finish her, we had only an hour for the long pose..I was so tangled up in trying to get the head was a bit of challenge as her chin was kind of short forwards. I started the drawing from her left breast, that was my starting point and from there I tried to measure everything up.

Eu nao tive tempo de terminar o desenho acima, pois tivemos apenas uma hora para fiquei meio enrroscada tentando desenhar a cabeca dela, pois o queixo estava numa posicao deificil no meu ponto de comecei a desenhar a partir do seio esquerdo, este foi o meu ponto de partida e a partir dali eu fiz as outras medidas.

these are my 3 short poses ones using charcoal and pastel on sugar paper..
esses foram as minhas 3 poses rapidas ..usando carvao e papel acucar? nao sei se essa seria a traducao correta para o Portugues.

Friday, 7 September 2012

Dreaming feathers

Acrylic on paper board
a beautiful feather found in the streets of London I was wondering what to do with the feather...

uma pena bonita achada em uma rua de estava pensando o que fazer com ela...

a empty board and a feather
uma pena e uma superficie vazia

I have this old drawing that I have been staring at and not sure how I could develop it 
Eu tinha esse desenho antigo que ficava as vezes a olhar e nao saber com certeza como desenvolve-lo

 according to Blue Wizard, a healer friend of mine, feathers are a link to the living world ...and they can also be used for healing..I like the symbolism of that ...and I think this dreamy lady looks so peaceful fluctuating amongst them..

De acordo com o Mago Azul, um amigo meu que e esoterico, me explicou que a pena pode ser usada em rituais e tambem e um elo entre os dois achei interessante este simbolismo que ele me falou..tambem achei que essa modelo parece estar num mundo de sonhos e em harmonia flutuando entre essas penas...

Thursday, 6 September 2012


Acrylic on plywood
This is my another attempt to do a portrait this time of my youngster. It was a hard one to do because I have this little one telling me all the time what I have missed and what I should have done better which was quite helpful and to the point to be honest.