Friday, 23 December 2022

New drawings in 2022

It Has been a long time since I last posted in here. In five or maybe six years I have been away from this site a lot of  things happened. Some were life changing to myself and family but life goes on and I have to remind myself of what makes me happy and my passions... and art is one of them and what keeps me sane and life bearable despite of all the challenges I've been through. So I decided to go back to my drawing group and connect with old friends and meet new ones. 

Life despite of all the challenges is also amazing and beautiful.. we have to keep the wonder and our heart open ..people comes to our lives and goes after our karmic time together have ended and that is ok just accept  it and wish them happiness.

 Bellow is some of my newest drawings. The usual charcoal, pastels and ink with some collage.


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