Friday, 28 September 2012

I am planning to post a few portraits and some more collage later on in the week and month.
I will start with this one I did looking at myself in the mirror. I find it a bit hard doing my portrait in this way because I have glasses on and was difficult to see the light and shades in some places because I have the glasses on it would be different if I was doing it from my photograph. So here we go...

Eu estou planejando colocar aqui no meu blog alguns retratos e colages que espero fazer na proxima semana e durante o mes.  Vou comecar com esta abaixo que eu fiz me olhando no espelho. Eu achei um pouco dificil porque estava usando oculos e nao conseguia ver direito as sombras e as luzes no meu rosto na area onde o oculos estava. Claro teria sido mais facil se tivesse feito atravez de uma fotografia, mas gostei de tentar esta tequinica.. Aqui vai...


  1. Belo trabalho...Espectacular....

  2. Obrigada pela visita e palavras Fernando...

  3. This is a great self potrait - lots of vibrant color and plenty of life. RG


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