Wednesday, 5 December 2012

These are my last Nude drawings for this side of the year, I will be back with more nude drawing in January. Although, I do hope I will be able to post a few paintings before the year finish if I manage some time.
I still finding painfully difficult with the nude drawings when I think I grasped the idea and I got the hanger of it just to lose completely my confidence the next drawing..but I do eventually have a  good one after few bad ones, nevertheless, I'd like to share with you my struggles as much as  my successes in here as I know I am not alone.


  1. …....... /)
    ……... ( , )
    ……..|░░░|☆ _(♥)_
    …¨˜“გª¤.¸::¸.¤ª☆“˜¨¨Año Nuevo.

  2. Feliz Ano Novo querida Maribel!!!!tudo de bom em 2013...

  3. Beautiful....such amazing works...all so uniquely powerful, mysterious and full of poetry!!

  4. Thanks so much dearest Victoria...your words are always so nice and are like an angel who comes here from time to time...


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