Friday, 13 December 2013

presentation day! Change and Transformation

Today we have our first presentation in front of the whole class since the start of the pre foundation in September/2013. We have only 5 minutes each to talk about our art, where the idea come from, our inspirations all in the theme of "Change and Transformaion".. and  afterwards the tutors would comment and the colleagues would give us their feedbacks.

I found the whole experience of seeing and listening to my other fellow colleagues amazing and inspiring, a mix of happiness, excitment and also I felt emotive at the times. It was nice to see beautiful, colourful, inspiring sketchbooks, lovely art work, the way people present their work and the way they see and other people see their work. The whole experince was just beautiful...but it was also quite tiring...was not much left of me once we finished the whole thing..

Some of the work bellow are not finished yet... still work in progress...

Finger painting on the top of a picture in the newspaper...nice one to try just dub your finger in some painting and go over a picture in the newspaper like this sport men bellow per example...

Amonsgt my work on the table are 2 for everything and a small one for printing only where I will try different types of printing ideas. I should at the end of the course publish the pages of my the moment is not much there to show yet...


  1. The wasps-nest-like drawing intrigues me.

  2. dear Debra is not much there to was just the strings I use to print with in the same paper I decided to leave in there for no reason...It seems according to feedback that I use a lot of swirls in my work...


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